Portfolio management
Portfolio management is focused on executing the right changes together with the program and project managers. The portfolio Manager determines the right changes based on the strategic goals of the organization, taking into account the currently accepted degree of risk, costs, impact and the business as usual.
Portfolio management contains; planning the programs and projects, stakeholder engagement and communications, capacity planning and resource management, benefits management and performance management.
We at Adryan think the portfolio managers main tasks are building and reporting the portfolio. Set up programs and projects and do engagement of stakeholders. Makes, on higher level, planning and estimations and creates capacity and resource planning.
What we offer
Our portfolio managers find a balance between the commitments in projects/programs on one side and day-to-day business on the other. We make sure that changes are agreed upon at the appropriate management level, and that costs, risks and impact on day-to-day operations are clear.
Next to that, our portfolio managers prioritise resources and make changes to fit the business. These changes are of course regularly reviewed. Our portfolio managers can work at various levels within your organisation, whether that be the corporate, directorate or divisional level.